Let's Make Your Dream Work
I will work with you till your goals are actualized
Get Started


TSH will assist you get crystal clear on your dreams/goal and guide you as you write out exactly what it is that you want in any areas of your life.

Discovering your unique keys

TSH will discover your unique keys to success. That is how you can best leverage on your natural strengths and talents.

Creating a plan

TSH will help you create specific, measurable, and achievable, time bound goals and an action plan to achieve and implement these given goals.

The Sycamore Hub

My Objectives

  1. To develop a unit of the Hub for teens development between the ages 7-18 years and emphasis on girl child….
  2. Develop skill/talent development training for both teens and executives (individuals and groups).
  3. Define mentoring and coaching sessions for both group and individual clients
  4. Develop Q & A sessions for the teens unit and the executive clients
  5. Have a time out for teens to bond and develop their inter relational skills
  6. Develop and sell audio and written materials as products
  7. Have a hub newsletter addressing the concerns of teens laying emphasis on girl child
  8. Executive coaching and mentoring sessions for organization retreat, workshop, seminars on goal attainment process.

Walk with Me

Are you facing challenges in your academics or struggling to choose your career path? Perhaps you're on a journey of self-discovery and feeling unsure of yourself. Whether it's low self-esteem, insecurity, or any other concern, know that I'm here to walk alongside you.

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The Sycamore Hub

Coaching Procedure

First, TSH will assist you in getting crystal clear on your dreams and goals, guiding you as you outline precisely what you want in various areas of your life. If you’re unsure, as many people are, TSH offers an excellent assessment to help you figure it out. Then, TSH will discover your unique keys to success, leveraging your natural strengths and talents. TSH will uncover your core personal values and ensure they are fully expressed in your daily life.

Next, TSH will help you create specific, measurable, achievable, and time-bound goals, along with an action plan to achieve them. From here, TSH will explore any potential obstacles that might hinder your progress. TSH will identify any fears, obstacles, or limiting beliefs that may be in your way and devise strategies to overcome them.

Through our weekly coaching calls, TSH will keep you accountable, focused, and inspired to execute your plan. The difference between those who achieve success and those who do not lies in consistent and persistent action. Many people have great ideas, but definitive success comes from acting on those ideas. TSH will assist you in doing just that until you attain your goals and live the desired life.

TSH will utilize themes, beliefs, customized assessments tailored to meet your needs, and will recommend books, videos, and other resources specific to your goals.

Your Life Coach 

Here's How i would coach you

First, goals and dreams are clear. I guide you in identifying what a fulfilled and balanced life could look like for you. In order to attract something new into your life, you must first be clear about what it is that you want. I have some powerful exercise that will help you gain clear clarity and paint a very specific picture of your ideal life.

Next, we identify at least three easy ways that you can experience more fulfilling life, goals and dreams realized and gaining control of your goals and life achievement respectively. This is often a lot more simple than you might think!

Building on that forward momentum, I support you in specifying and highlighting your goals in order of your priority and thus creating your ideal plan. This will includes specific action steps in two primary areas: eliminating the things that drain your energy and no longer serve you and creating new habits and ways in attaining your goals and gaining mastery of your life.

Finally, as your coach, I keep you focused, motivated and accountable as you implement your life goal/dreams. As you know, change isn’t always easy. Setbacks can occur. Limiting beliefs may surface. Through our work together I’ll help you to overcome any challenges that may arise, enabling you to continue steadily forward as you create and live a more fulfilling, goals/dreams accomplished and living the best of your life.

Walk with me Today!

Are you looking forward to growing and developing your company and its members? Whether you’re an employer, employee, executive, or entrepreneur, I’m available to help. Let’s work together to achieve your goals.

The sycamore hub
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