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Your teens
Boyin Adetona
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Your life Coach
Wanna Become A Better Version of Yourself?
Teens Coaching
Girl Child Mentorship

We help transform the orientation of the girl child through mentorship and enlightenment, till she becomes the very best version of herself.

Teens Coaching
Goal Attainment

Everyone has a dream, but not everyone has the courage to pursue them. I am here to help you achieve your goals.

Do you have a Goal?

It's not so hard to Achieve Your Goals

Baby Steps, have you heard that word before? That's really want you need to achieve your "BIG GOALS", let me show you how it's done

Get Started

The Sycamore Hub

I also find fulfillment Helping Teens

I have always been passionate about teenagers, especially girls. I can remember when I was growing up as a girl, I made mistakes, and looking back, I believe I could have made better decisions if I had a coach or mentor. This is why I have a strong desire to coach and mentor teens. Having been blessed with two adorable daughters, I am especially excited to guide and support these young minds.

As a mother of girls, I often find myself in the midst of teenagers, especially girls. They always enjoy being around me, particularly when I go for school runs. I feel a strong connection with them and find great joy and fulfillment in adding value to their lives. The feedback I receive is always positive and encouraging.

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A Little About Me

Boyin Adetona

I am an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Marketing Nigeria (CIMN) and a member of the National Institute of Management (NIM). Additionally, I hold an MBA from Business School Netherlands and am certified as an International Coach. With over 15 years of corporate experience, I am a seasoned expert in business development and relationship administration.

Throughout my career, I have consistently achieved set sales targets, provided innovative solutions, secured profitable new business opportunities, managed business operations, nurtured client relationships, and led, trained, and developed teams for growth.

Get to Know Me

Available Coaching Programs for You

No matter what you’re feeling—whether it’s insecurity, confusion, uncertainty, fear, discouragement, or low self-esteem—I have customized solutions designed just for you. Explore the amazing packages below and choose what resonates with you. Don’t hesitate any longer; take the next step forward and select the option that best suits your needs.

The sycamore plan
12 week Life/Business Growth Intensive for Executives, Employees, Entrepreneurs and General Workforce
The sycamore plan
Attitude Changer- For teenagers or for the /Girl Child who wants to make a “dare” difference in the society and in the world
The sycamore plan
12 month Total Life Makeover for Teens, Every girl child, Executives, Entrepreneur, individual and groups
The sycamore plan
90 Days to Greater Goal Attainment Achievement for people struggling on fulfilling/reaching their goals

What My Clients have to say about My Coaching Sessions.

Jemima Atirola Olaoye

She's very easy to talk to. You won't even know when you start spilling.  At first I didn't want to talk much but she helped me open up a bit, ease my pain and gave me good advice as well. She listens well and knows the things to say. It was a good session.

Atiradeoluwa Olaoye

I have learnt how to manage my time effectively to become more productive and prioritize things in my life according to their importance, now I have better time management and I have my priorities straight. We started off by identifying the issues I face and then finding solutions and making a plan to keep them